Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Pets

I love cats that I can cry if something bad happen to them. These are some of my cats pix collection. Only one of them is still with the family. That's Big Head. The one in 3 colors. Others are the late Big Yellow, Yellow, Mimiu, Memeng and Tummy.

Now we have Chalky, Orange, Chump, Coweng, Joyah and three others (haven't named them officially) except one which Yayang called 'Black Nose'. Chalky is the most flabby amongst all. He is very soft but not that well-mannered.

Among all of them, Memeng is the most unique one. She was very quiet yet intelligent and always thought that she was one of us. She has been living with us for 9 years. She ate cucumber, melons, pumpkins, nuts and even durian. She would never scrambled with others and wait patiently for her food to be served. She loved to groom herself and she would held her tail to her paw to clean it!

Stress reliefs...

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